How To Effectively Manage Church Funds
In business, there are many ways to optimize your current operations that earn or save additional money. The same goes for religious organizations. However, the main difference between business and church is most businesses are striving for a profit, while most congregations are trying to use the funds they have in the most productive way.
This leads businesses to search aggressively, across every avenue, for ways to squeeze out additional profits. On the other hand, most religious organizations keep their focus on maximizing the impact of the donations they have already received, often ignoring the funds sitting idly in their bank accounts.
Why are idle donations a problem?
When your goal is to provide the most good for your community with the limited funds you have, it can be difficult to find the manpower to optimize your operations. Taking steps like implementingchurch management software and allowing electronic tithes are a great start, but it should not be where you stop.
Leaving donations sitting idly in your bank accounts can keep them safe (as long as you are under the FDIC Insurance limit), but it neglects the opportunity to grow those funds at nationally competitive rates. That’s where deposit management services by The American Deposit Management Co. (ADM, for short) become important. With our proprietary financial technology, or fintech, we ensure your funds are growing safely while they are waiting to be implemented in your community. It’s a service we call Marketplace Banking™. This all sounds complicated, but it’s refreshingly simple to get started.
How does deposit management work for my religious organization?
First, we keep your funds safe with access to FDIC Insurance (NCUA for credit unions), so your deposits are backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government. The advantage we provide over a traditional bank is you don’t have to worry about the $250k limit. To accomplish this, we’ve developed a network consisting of hundreds of financial institutions located around the country, so we can spread your funds around to make sure they all have access to 100% protection (even for amounts in excess of $80 million).
Second, we grow your funds at nationally competitive rates. This is because our network of banks and credit unions will compete for your deposits. You’ve likely heard slogans from consumer loan companies about how competing banks benefit you when taking out a loan, and the same holds true with deposits. But don’t worry, this isn’t something you have to manage. We take the workload out of your hands.
Keep your bank. We are not here to replace, we are here to enhance.
We know you’ve spent lots of time and effort negotiating and cultivating relationships with your local banks. That’s great, and we do not want to interfere with those relationships. With deposit management, your funds can move between your local bank and your Marketplace Banking™ account with the click of a button.
Our client portal provides the ability to manage your funds in one easy place. You receive a single statement, regardless of how many banks are holding your funds. This takes the work out of managing tens or even hundreds of banking relationships. Once it’s time to put your money to use in your community, just move the funds back to your regular bank. But keep in mind, you can relax while those funds are in your deposit management account, because you know they will be safe and growing.
Say Hello to Smarter Cash™
The benefits of a relationship with ADM do not stop at deposit management. For example, our VendorPayment Processing program is integral in helping smaller organizations reducetheir workload while combating fraud. And as sad as this fact may be, fraudexists everywhere, even in churches.
By allowing your vendor payments to be processed directly from your deposit management account, fewer people in your religious organization need to touch those funds. This reduces the likelihood of skimming or collusion when making payments to your vendors. In short, it helps “keep honest people honest” by reducing the temptations to commit fraud.
The days of letting donations sit idly in your church’s bank account are over.
Optimizing the management of your congregation’s operations can be a daunting task, even for the most experienced leaders. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore it altogether. Opening an account with ADM is an easy way to get started on the right path. All it takes is a quick visit to our website or a short phone call to get started. We also have professionals on standby to answer your questions via live chat. Visit and let our virtual assistant direct your question to the appropriate team member. It’s easy to let ADM start you on the path to growing your congregation’s deposits. Contact us today!
*American Deposit Management is not an FDIC/NCUA-insured institution. FDIC/NCUA deposit coverage only protects against the failure of an FDIC/NCUA-insured depository institution.
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